Friday, April 6, 2007

On Age Acceptance

G: Reads a promo for "Kids Clubhouse". And I know that's Keith's favorite show, so he didn't want me to miss that. Beltran takes ball one. You are just a kid at heart.

K: Who me?

G: Yeah you!

K: Really? At 53?

G: You know we were talking about Greg Picker, 43rd birthday tomorrow, you're already on the AARP rolls, right? 53.

K: Yeah but I didn't join.

G: That's okay, you're not a joiner, I know, but...

K: They keep sending me in the mail all the time, I don't send it back.

G: That's cause you're still a kid. One and one to Beltran.

K: Peter Pan!

G: That's good, I like that! I don't know how you'd look in green tights, but...

R: Keith's like Groucho Marx, he doesn't want to belong to any group that wants him in it.

K: What did Alou do his last at-bat?

G & R: He walked.

K: Okay, I missed that one.

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