Wednesday, May 2, 2007

On Literature

A group of kids is shown at Shea courtesy of a kids literacy charity.

G: And their day will be complete when they get the abridged version of The Three Musketeers.

K: Yes, the abridged!

G: Which I know is your favorite book.

K: Well, actually, who was your favorite classic writer, Gary?

G: Well...classic writer...well, I don't think I was as into the classics as you were.

K: Well tell me who your favorite writer is.

G: My favorite writer was Kurt Vonnegut who just passed away.

K: Really? Okay, and your favorite book by him?

G: Slaughterhouse-Five.

K: Okay. I've always been a Victor Hugo fan. And not Les Misérables! I love the Notre-Dame de Paris, and Toilers of the Sea was just brilliant.

G: You never cease to amaze me.

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