Tuesday, May 22, 2007

On Sponsor Loyalty

R: At this point in your career, you're more of a sweet kind of guy aren't you?

K: Yeah... (R: Yeah.) I think so.

G: Good change-up by Davies, 1-1.

K: Tivo guy too, love that Tivo!

R: Good change-up here from Davies, down and away.

G: I don't think our sponsors want to be hearing about you and Tivo. 1-2 to Green. But of course when you Tivo the game you *watch* the commercials.

K: Well...I speed through 'em. But I can speed, (R: You can recognize...) lip-read too. So I know what they're saying.

G: Davies working him tough and it's 2-2.

R: No one knows our advertisers better than these two people in the booth right here.

G: True. Okay you get a pass.

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