Tuesday, July 3, 2007

On Food

K: I haven't heard the guys in the truck in a while, they awake down there, they fall asleep?

G: I'm...I'm told they were having cheeseburgers.

K: Cheeseburgers...we can't eat up here! We can't...we can't do a broadcast with food in our mouth!

G: You can't?! What does a Tootsie Pop count as?

K: That's not food. That's candy.

G: So you can eat candy during a game but you can't eat food?

K: Well you can't...chomp on a burger, or a french fry, cause you, you know.

G: I could guarantee you, if I put a cheeseburger in front of you, you'd be able to eat it and work at the same time.

K: You could probably put a pizza there, I'd...

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